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 Rigved Maanas 

​Hi, I'm Rigved Maanas, a 14-year-old self-taught generative artist from Kerala, India. I always love to play around with code and art. I have been learning and experimenting with different programming languages for the last three years. I'm happy to share my experimental results as NFT arts and Games through my web page. I'm very ambitious and firmly believe in Dr: A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's quote, "A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep."

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100 Single Edition NFTS

Generative Art Collection on OpenSea

Pancha Boota

Generative Art Collection on Foundation

The Pancha Bhoota are the five basic elements that make up any living organism on Earth or anywhere else in the Universe. These elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. My Generative Art Collection is inspired from Pancha Bhoota.

Dot World

Genarative Art Series on Foundation

The infinite cosmos begins from just a dot; one dot becomes many, starting a chain reaction that is now me and you and everything else around us. Dots hold within them an incredible power; a power that often goes unseen. As a being in this vast wide world of ours, each of us is a dot ourselves. And we are powerful and bright.

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